One Word Substitution
A government run by a dictator | Autocracy | एकतंत्र |
Work for which no salary is paid | Honorary | माननीय |
Murder of a brother | Fratricide | भ्रातृघातक |
One who can't be corrected | Incorrigible | असंशोधनीय |
A word no longer in use | Obsolete | अप्रचलित |
One who believes that gaining pleasure is most thing | Hedonist | सुखवादी |
Murder of a new born child | Infanticide | शिशु हत्या |
Stealing from the writing of others | Plagiarism | साहित्यिक चोरी |
A destroyer or opponent of religious images or icons | Iconoclast | मूर्ति |
One who worships idols | Idolator | मूर्ति पूजक |
Thing that can be felt or touched | Palpable | स्पर्शनीय |
Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool | Dotage | मतिक्षीणता |
The original inhabitants of a country | Aborigines | मुलनिवासी |
One who uses fear as a weapon of power | Terrorist | आतंकवादी |
Worshipping of idols | Idolatry | मूर्ति पूजा |
Unlawful contrary to laws | Illegal | अवैध |
A person who is skilled in horsemanship | Equestrian | घुड़सवार |
One who can use either of his hands with ease | Ambidextrous | कपटी |
One who possesses many talents | Versatile | बहुमुखी |
Word for word reproduction | Verbatim | प्रतिशब्द |
Which can't be read | Illegible | अस्पष्ट |
Medical study of the skin and is diseases | Dermatology | त्वचा विज्ञान |
The first public speech delivered by person | Maiden speech | प्रथम भाषण |
A period of hundred years | Century | सदी |
Custom of having many wives | Polygamy | बहुविवाह |
Indifference to pleasure or pain | Stoicism | वैराग्य |
A word no longer in use | Obsolete | अप्रचलित |
One who talks very little | Reserve | रिज़र्व |
To speak to oneself | Soliloquise | आत्म चिंतन करना |
Study of mankind | Anthropology | मनुष्य जाति का विज्ञान |
One who lives among strangers | Alien | विदेशी |
Without the name of the author | Anonyms | |
All of one mind | Unanimous | एकमत |
A short stay at place | Sojourn | डेरा डालना |
An elderly unmarried women | Spinster | कातनेवाली |
A person who is find of fighting | Bellicose | लड़ाकू |
One who has good taste for food and enjoys it | Gourmet | पेटू |
Which can be approached | Accessible | सुलभ |
Person who can perform unusual physical act | Acrobat | नट |
A person who helps you break the law or | Accomplice | सहापराधी |
One Who makes a powerful public speech | Orator | वक्ता |
One who is not easily pleased by anything | Fastidious | दुराराध्य |
A tall strong women | Amazon | वीरांगना |
One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain | Stoic | उदासीन |
Which can be approached | Accessible | सुलभ |
Occurring at the same time | Concurrent | समवर्ती |
Skilled in social and domestic art | Accomplished | पूरा किया |
A person pretending to be somebody he is not | Imposter | ढोंगी |
Incapable of being seen through | Opaque | न झिल्लड़ |
Yearly celebration of a date or an event | Anniversary | सालगिरह |
Hard to understand | Abstruse | अव्यक्त |
One who speaks or writes many language | Polyglot | बहुभाषी |
An office or post with no work but high pay | Sinecure | दायित्वहीन काम |
Place for keeping birds | Aviary | पक्षीशाल |
Murder of a new born child | Infanticide | शिशु हत्या |
The profession of writing dictionaries | Lexicography | कोशरचना |
A fourteen line poem | Sonnet | गाथा |
The plants and vegetation of a region | Flora | फ्लोरा |
Forbidden prohibited by law | Illicit | अवैध |
Person who leads the prayers in a | Imam | ईमाम |
Creatures who lives both on land and water | Amphibians | उभयचर |
Asking for additional trops of soldiers | Reinforcement | सुदृढीकरण |
A general pardon of offenders | Amnesty | आम माफ़ी |
One who practices one of the fine arts | Artist | कलाकार |
Constant effort to achieve something | Perseverance | दृढ़ता |
Wildly unreasonable illogical or ridiculous | Absurd | बेतुका |
Adult person with abnormally low intelligence | Imbecile | मूर्ख |
A lie detector | Polygraph | पॉलीग्राफ |
A person who readily believes others | Credulous | विश्रंभी |
Dry weather with no rain fail | Drought | सूखा |
Something kept as a reminder of an event | Souvenir | यादगार |
Scale used for measuring earthquake | Richter | रिक्टर |
Artificial tank for honey bees | Hive | मधुमुखी का छत्ता |
A cluster of houses in a village | Hamlet | छोटा गांव |
A number of stars grouped together | Constellation | नक्षत्र |
Anima that feeds on plants | Herbivorous | तृणभक्षी |
Medicine that deals with disease of old age | Geriatrics | जराचिकित्सा |
Complete change of form | Transformation | परिवर्तन |
The killing of whole group of people | Genocide | नरसंहार |
Study of the nature of god | Theology | धर्मशास्र |
The line When the land and sky seems to meet | Horizon | क्षितिज |
Pertaining to cattle | Bovine | साँड़ का |
A person who shows off his learning | Pedant | रूढ़िवादी |
Unorthodox opinion | Heresy | विधर्म |
A vehicle for carrying a dead body | Hearse | रथी |
A shopkeeper who sells green vegetables | Greengrocer | फल बेचनेवाला |
A difficult problem | Conundrum | पहेली |
An original model | Archetype | मूलरूप आदर्श |
That which can't be consumed by fire | Incombustible | न जलने योग्य |
An original model | Archetype | मूलरूप आदर्श |
A place of shelter for ships | Harbour | बंदरगाह |
One who works for the good for another | Altruist | परोपकार के सिद्धन्त का |
A building in which aircraft are housed | Hanger | कांटा |
A prolonged and bitter quarrel | Feud | झगड़ा |
One who is happy to see others suffer | Sadist | पीड़न कामुक |
Process of looking back to the past | Retrospection | सिंहावलोकन |