Acumen | Insight, Perception | कुशाग्रता |
Benevolent | Charitable, generous, philanthropic | भलाई करनेवाला |
Confiscate | To size by authority, forfeit, dispossess | ज़ब्त करना |
Clemency | Kindness, mercy, gentleness | दया |
Prudent | Skilled, Judicious, farsighted | विवेकी |
Panacea | Cure for all, universal, remedy | रामबाण |
Prejudiced | Biased, bigoted, one-sided, illiberal | पक्षपातपूर्ण |
Monument | Memorial,gravestone,shrine,slab,tomb | स्मारक |
Care | Concern,burden,load,responsibility | चिंता |
Trivial | Insignificant,petty,paltry,negligible | तुच्छ |
Indiscriminate | aimless,haphazard | अविवेकी |
Literal | Verbatim,accurate,authentic,real | शाब्दिक |
Intricate | Complicated,complex | जटिल |
Idiosyncrasy | Eccentricity,manic | लत |
Diligent | Laborious,industrious,hard-working | मेहनती |
Deter | Prevent,stop,discourage | रोक रखना |
Dilemma | Quandary,perplexity,puzzling,riddle | दुविधा |
Diabolic | Cruel,wicked,brutal,harmful | पैशाचिक |
Pious | Spiritual,devoted,godly,holy | पवित्र |
Placid | Calm,cool,Composed | सौम्य |
Transitory | Ephemeral,momentary,short-lived | क्षणसाथी |
Tragic | Calamitous,catastrophic,fatal | दुखद |
Toil | Labour,work doggedly,drive oneself | कठिन परिश्रम |
Hurdle | Obstacle,hindrance,impediment | बाधा |
Avarice | Greed,rapacity,cupidity | लोभ |
Obstinate | Stubborn,adamant,dogmatic,steadfast | जिद्दी |
Mollify | Mitigate,soothe,appease,assuage | शमन करना |
Torpid | Sluggish,lethargic,slothful,indolent | बेमन |
Traditional | Customary,ritual,conventional | परंपरागत |
Tranquil | Peaceful,calm,still,placid | शांत |
Agony | Torment,distress,anguish,pain | व्यथा |
Astonishment | Wonder,amazement,wonderful | विस्मय |
Transparent | Visible,noticeable,apparent,obvious | पारदर्शक |
Neophyte | Novice,learner,beginner | नवछात्रा |
Tedious | Wearisome,tiresome,fatiguing | ग़ैरदिलचस्प |
Perturb | Disturb,ruffle,pester,vex | घबड़ा देना |
Dearth | Scarcity,shortage,paucity,insufficiency | अकाल |
Diligent | Industrious,laborious,hard-working | मेहनती |
Quiver | Tremble,shudder,throb,shiver,shake | तरकस |
Sparse | Not dense, scattered | विरल |
Obsolete | Superannuated,antiquated,outdated | अप्रचलित |
Obstinate | Stubborn,inflexible,dogmatic,steadfast | जिद्दी |
Oblivious | Unconscious,inattentive,ignorant | बेख़बर |
Ominous | Inauspicious,ill-fated,unlucky | अमंगल |
Omit | Neglect,delete,leave out,pass over | छोड़ देना |
Niggard | Miserly,stingy,parsimonious | कंजूस |
Nadir | Depths,Zero,pit,lowest point | पतन |
Zenith | Acme,apex,vertex,altitude,pinnacle | शीर्षबिंदु |
Scrupulous | Careful,rigorous,fastidious | ईमानदार |
Tedious | Fatigued,weary,tired,drained | ग़ैरदिलचस्प |
Ridiculous | Zany,buffoon,clownish | हास्यास्पद |
Feeble | Pale,wan,anaemic,faint | कमज़ोर |
Observant | Vigilant,careful,wary,attentive | तेज़नज़र |
Indispensable | Vital,essential,imperative | अपरिहार्य |
Audacity | Boldness,courage,guts | धृष्टता |
Avarice | Greed,rapacity,rapacious,cupidity | लोभ |
August | Majestic | आलीशान |
Hurdle | Obstacle,hindrance,impediment | बाधा |
Annihilate | Destroy,decimate,ruin,eradicate | संहार करना |
Rare | Few,subtle,uncommon | दुर्लभ |
Astonishment | Wonder | विस्मय |
Parsimony | Miserliness,meanness,frugality | बचत |
Tribulation | Suffering,pain,unhappiness,adversity,woe | क्लेश |
Squander | Waste,lavishly,spend like water | गंवाना |
Advocate | Support,goad,condone,urge,spur | वकील |
Preamble | Introduction,preface,prelude | प्रस्तावना |
Spurious | Fraudulent,fake,bogus,deceitful | जाली |
Palace | Castle,mansion,manor,abode | महल |
Turmoil | Disorder,agitation,bedlam | उथल-पुथल |
Omnipresent | Everywhere,at every nook and corner | सर्व-भूत |
Uproar | Tumult,turmoil,turbulence,pandemonium | कोलाहल |
Sycophant | Flatterer,puppet,leech,yes-man | चापलूस |
Garrulous | Talkative,one who speaks a lot | बातूनी |
Labyrinth | Meandering | भूलभुलैया |
Abnormal | Unnatural,unusual,unexpected,uncommon | असामान्य |
Ameliorate | Improve,amend,upgrade | सुधारना |
Invoice | Statement,note,IOU,account | बीजक |
Delusion | Illusion,deception,hallucination | माया |
Logical | Rational,sensible,cogent,coherent | तार्किक |
Mastery | Authority,dexterity,knack,prowess,ken | प्रभुत्व |
Stern | Strict,hard,rigid,grim,steely,harsh,tough | कठोर |
Adequate | Sufficient,enough | पर्याप्त |
Abolish | Delete,annul,nullify,cancel,abrogate | समाप्त करना |
Prolific | Productive,fruitful,bountiful | उर्वर |
Plenitude | Abundance,plenty,abundance,affluence | विपुलता |
Slipshod | Careless,not well done | असावधानीपूर्ण |
Intricate | Complex,perplexing,complicated,puzzling | जटिल |
Intellectual | Intelligent,academic,well-behaved,erudite | बौद्धिक |
Keen | Avid,eager,anxious,agog,vehement,fond of | इच्छुक |
Economical | Thrift,stingy,frugal,niggardly | किफ़ायती |
Embellish | Adorn,ornament,decorate,embroider | संवारना |
Wily | Cunning,crafty,clever,sly,tricky,foxy | चतुर |
Rapacious | Greedy,voracious,ravenous,avaricious | लालची |
Knell | Ring,bell,summon,toll,sound | समाधिवाली झंकार |
Epoch | Era,age,period | युग |
Diminish | Lessen,decrease,reduce,dwindle | घटाना |
Scorn | Degrade,despise,contempt | घिन आना |
Dismal | Gloomy,melancholy,doleful,dolorious | निराशाजनक |
Extraneous | Foreign,imported,extrinsic,alien | बाहरी |
Extol | Praise,applaud,eulogize,glorify | प्रशंसा करना |
Explicit | Clear,distinct,unambiguous | मुखर |
Trenchant | Sharp,biting,pungent,acid,explicit | कटु |
Quiver | Tremble,shudder,throb,shiver,shake | तरकस |
Prodigal | Extravagant,lavish,spendthrift | खर्चीला |
Censure | Criticize, Castigate, Lampoon, Mock | निंदा |
Dearth | Scarcity,paucity,shortage | अकाल |
Isolation | Separation,segregation,desolation | अलगाव |
Abandon | Leave,relinquish,forsake,abdicate,renounce | छोड़ देना |
Abash | Confound,shame,embarrass | लज्जित करना |
Abase | Humiliate,degrade,insult | अपमानित करना |
Abhor | Detest,loath,abominate,anathema | घृणा करना |
Baleful | Harmful,deadly,noxious,calamitous | हानिकारक |
Baffle | Perplex,bewilder,puzzle | चकरा देना |
Barbarous | Uncivilized,rude,boorish,savage | बर्बर |
Candid | Outspoken,straightforward,truthful | खरा |
Greenhorn | Inexperience,neophyte,novice | मूर्ख युवा |
Wondrous | Marvellous,amazing,astonishing | चमत्कारिक |
Apparent | Clear,transparent,visible | स्पष्ट |
Hamper | Hinder,prevent,impediment,restrain | बाधा |
Hegemony | Leadership,dominance,authority | नायकत्व |
Heavenly | Cosmic,unearthly,divine | दिव्य |
Impetuous | Rash,hasty,impulsive | अविवेकी |
Genuine | Authentic,bonafide,legitimate,real | वास्तविक |
Irreverence | Disrespect,insult | अपमान |
Wrangle | Disagreement,quarrel,tussle | लड़ाई |
Wretched | Miserabe,abandoned,illfated | मनहूस |
Vocation | Profession,occupation,business | पेशा |
Maidenly | Virgin,spotless,stainless | विनयशील |
Voluntary | Optional,elective,willing | स्वैच्छिक |
Vogue | Fashion,style,fade,trend | प्रचलन |
Castigate | Vilify,vituperate,condemn,denounce | पीटना |
Dilemma | Quandary,perplexity,puzzle,riddle | दुविधा |
Diabolic | Cruel,harmful,brutal | पैशाचिक |
Deter | Prevent,stop,discourage | रोक रखना |
Aptness | Skill,adroitness,dexterity,expertise | उपयुक्तता |
Stalwart | Strong,robust,hardy,muscular | निष्ठावान |
Refrain | Abstain,decline,avoid,forbear | बचना |
Ironic | Satirical,mocking,ridiculing,wry | लोहे का |
Stark | Rigid,rigorous | निरा |
Staid | Grave,sober,solemn,serious | शांत |