Adverb (क्रियाविशेषण)
Adverb is the part of speech that provides the additional information about some verb and adjective.
(क्रिया की विशेषता बताने वाले शब्द को क्रियाविशेषण कहते है।)
For Example:
Aasha sings well. (आशा अच्छा गाती है।)
Holi will be celebrated tomorrow. (होली कल मनाई जायेगी। )
He has gone above. (वह उपर गया है।) Vah upar gaya hai. Let him also study a little. (उसे अभी थोङा पढने दो।)
Note: The adjectives describe some noun or noun, as same as adverb describes some verb, adjectives and some other adverbs.
Adjectives is for Noun and Pronoun.
Adverb is for Verb, Adjectives and Adverb.
Types of Adverb (क्रिया विशेषण के प्रकार)
1) Adverb of Manner (रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण) - 2) Adverb of Time (कालवाचक क्रिया विषेशण ) - 3) Adverb of Place (स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण ) - 4) Adverb of Quantity (परिमाणवाचक क्रिया विषेशण ) - 1) Adverb of Manner (रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण) -This adverb describes the quality of an activity being done, it is known as Adverbs of Manner.
(रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण से यह पता चलता है कि काम किस प्रकार से हुआ, उसे रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण कहते है।)
For Example
Neha Works Hard. (नेहा मेहनत करती है।)
Write clearly on notebook. (नोटबुक पर स्पष्ट रूप से लिखें।)
Adverb of manner is divided into nine types:
* Method (विधि वाचक):
Method is related to method word Like, slowly-slowly (धीरे-धीरे), fast-fast (तेज-तेज), happily (खुशी से ), Urgently (तत्काल).
* Decisiveness (निश्यवाचक ):
Example: Sure (ज़रूर), Without doubt! (शक के बिना).
* Indecisiveness (अनिश्चयवाचक ): Example: Never (कभी नहीं), Possibly! (संभवतः), Occasionaly (अक्सर), May be (हो सकता है ).
* Purpose (हेतु वाचक):
Example: Therefore (इसलिए), Atleast (कम से कम), For what (किसकेलिए).
* Prohibtion (निशेधवाचक):
Example: Don't (), No (), Never ().
* Interrogative (प्रश्न वाचक ):
Example: Who (कौन), How (कैसे ), Why (क्यों).
* Concept (अवधारण वाचक):
Example: Full (पूर्ण ), Upto (तक ), Only (केवल).
* Suddenness (आकस्मिकतावाचक):
Example: अचानक, एकाएक, अकस्मात, सहसा (all words comes under sudden).
2) Adverb of Time (कालवाचक क्रिया विषेशण ) -The Adverbs which gives the information about time is called as Adverb of time.
(कालवाचक क्रिया विषेशण से यह पता चलता है कि काम किस समय हो रहा है , उसे कालवाचक क्रिया विषेशण कहते है।)
Such as: Now, Late, Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday etc (अब, देर से, आज, कल, बीता हुआ कल आदि)
For Example:
I am going to school now. (अब मैं स्कूल के लिए जा रहा हूँ।) -
He arrives late from office. (वह कार्यालय से देर से आता है।)
Adverb of Time is divided into three types:
* Point (कालबिन्दु वाचक) -
Example: Today (आज), Yeaterday (परसों), Now (अब), Tomorrow (कल), Then (जब), When (तब).
* Duration (अवधि वाचक) -
Example: Nowdays (आजकल), All though night (रातभर), Always (हमेशा).
* Frequency (बारम्बारता वाचक) -
Example: Each day (हरदिन), Daily (रोज),Every day (प्रतिदिन), Every year (प्रतिवर्ष).
* Adverb of Place (स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण ) -
The Adverbs which gives the information about place is called as Adverb of Place.
(स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण मे स्थान को सूचित करते है, उसे स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण कहते है।)
Such as: Up (ऊपर), Down (नीचे), In (अंदर), Out (बाहर),
For Example: Kids are playing upstairs. (बच्चे के ऊपर खेल रहे हैं) -
Nima is going outside (नीमा बाहर जा रही है।) .
3)Adverbs of place (स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण )Adverbs of place is divided into two parts:
* Position (स्थितिवाचक)
Example: Nearby (आस-पास), Everywhere (हर जगह), Across (चारो ओर), Behind (पीछे), Ahead (आगे), etc..
* Direction (दिशावाचक) -
Example: Across each other (आस-पास), Below (नीचे ), Right (दाएँ ), Left (बाएँ ), Here and There (इधर-उधर).
4) Adverb of Quantity (परिमाणवाचक क्रिया विषेशण) -The Adverbs which gives the information about quantity is called as Adverb of Place.
(परिमाणवाचक क्रिया विषेशण मे परिमाण को सूचित करते है, उसे स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण कहते है।)
Such as: More (अधिक), Less (कम), That Much (उतना),
For Example:
We should eat that much which can be digested. (उतना खाना चाहिए जितना पच सके।) -
I have less money. (मेरे पास कम पैसा है) -
Adverb is divided into five types:1) अधिकतावाचक (Excess) -
Example: Extreme (चरम), Abundant (प्रचुर मात्रा में), More (अधिक).
2) न्यूनतावाचक (Minimal) -
Example: Little (थोड़ा), Less (कम).
3) पर्याप्तवाचक (Adequate)
Example: Sufficient (पर्याप्त), Enough (काफी).
4) तुलनावाचक (Comparison)
Example: more , better
5) श्रेणीवाचक (Category) -
Example: Little by little (थोड़ा - थोड़ा), One by One (बारी- बारी से).