Interjection - विस्मयादिबोधक
विस्मयादिबोधक शब्द अचानक और मजबूत भावनांओ को व्यक्त करते हैं । विस्मयादिबोधक चिन्ह " ! " विस्मयादिबोधक शब्द के बाद लगाया जाता है ।
e.g. oh, ah, wow, hurrah, alas, ouch, Oops, aha, hey, etc.
Hurrah! India has won the match.
Alas! His father is dead.
Ouch! You are hurting me.
Oh! I forgot your name.
1. हुर्रे! इंडिया ने मैच जीत लिया ।
2. अलैस! उसके पिताजी मर गए ।
3. आउच! तुम मुझे चोट पहुंचा रहे हो ।
4. ओह! मैं तुम्हारा नाम भूल गया ।
The normal word can also be used as Interjection for expressing feeling or emotion by putting exclamation sign " ! " after it.
e.g. - No! Don't touch the iron, it's hot.
Help! I am sinking.
A short list of Exclamatory words
1. Word ------> aah!
2. Meaning ---> Fright
3. Sentence---> Aah! This shoe is hurting me.
1. Word ------> boo!
2. Meaning ---> Contempt
3. Sentence---> Boo! Stop the drama.
1. Word ------> eek!
2. Meaning ---> Surprised, scream
3. Sentence---> Eeek! A cockroach.
1. Word ------> eww!
2. Meaning ---> Disgusting
3. Sentence---> Ewww! It is full of filthy things.
1. Word ------> hmm!
2. Meaning ---> Hesitation
3. Sentence---> Hmm! I'm not sure about it.
1. Word ------> hurrah!
2. Meaning ---> joy
3. Sentence---> Hurrah, we won!
1. Word ------> nah!
2. Meaning ---> no
3. Sentence---> Do you want more drink? Nah! I'm OK
1. Word ------> oh!
2. Meaning ---> I see
3. Sentence---> Oh! You wanted to sit with him
1. Word ------> ooh!
2. Meaning ---> Wonderful
3. Sentence---> Oooh! it's lovely.
1. Word ------> oops!
2. Meaning ---> Surprise on acknowledging mistake, error
3. Sentence---> Oops! I parked my car at your parking.
1. Word ------> ouch!
2. Meaning ---> pain
3. Sentence---> Ouch! It is hurting my finger.
1. Word ------> wow!
2. Meaning ---> Impressed, astonished
3. Sentence---> Wow! that's incredible.
1. Word ------> yeah!
2. Meaning ---> Yes
3. Sentence---> Yeah! Kick his butt!
1. Word ------> Alas!
2. Meaning ---> sorrow
3. Sentence---> Alas! He lost everything in the gamble.