Rules of Present Tenses
Present Indefinite Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + First form of the Verb + s/es (With Third Persion Singular object) + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. मैं अपना पाठ याद करता हूँ ।
I learn my lesson.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Do/Does + Not + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1.मैं अपना पाठ याद नहीं करता हूँ ।
I do not learn my lesson.
Introgative Rules : - Do/Does + Subject + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या वह किताब पड़ता है?
Does he read a book?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Do/Does + Subject + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
4. वह यहाँ क्यों आती है?
Why does she come here?
Present Continuous Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + is/am/are + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. राम एक पत्र लिख रहा है ।
Ram is writing a letter.
Negative Rules : - Subject + is/am/are + Not + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. मैं मुंबई नहीं जा रहा हूँ ।
I am not going to Mumbai.
Introgative Rules : - Is/Am/Are + Subject + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या लड़कियाँ कमरे में पढ़ रही है?
Are the girls reading in the room?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + is/am/are + Subject + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. तुम कमरे में क्या कर रहे ह ो?
What are you doing in the room?
Present Perfect Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Has/Have + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. राम स्कूल जा चुका है ।
Ram has gone to school.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Has/Have + Not + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. उसने गाना नहीं गाया है ।
She has not sung the song.
Introgative Rules : - Has/Have + Subject + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या उसने अपनी गाय बेच दी है ?
Has he sold his cow?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Has/Have + Subject + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. लड़का कहाँ भाग गया है?
Where has the boy run away?
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Has Been/Have Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence ....
1. राम इस किताब को दो घंटे से पढ़ रहा है ।
Ram has been reading this book for two hours.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Has/Have + Not + Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence ....
1. वह दो दिन से नहीं पढ़ रही है ।
She has not been reading for two days.
Introgative Rules : - Has/Have + Subject + Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या वह अपना काम तीन घंटे से कर रहा है ?
Has he been doing his work for three hours?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Has/Have + Subject + Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. तुम्हारा शाम से कौन इन्तजार कर रहा है ?
Who has been waiting for you since evening?
Rules of Past Tenses
Past Indefinite Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Second form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. उसने कल मुझे एक कलम दिया ।
He gave me a pen yesterday.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Did + Not + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. वह कल हॉकी नहीं खेला ।
He did not play hockey yesterday.
Introgative Rules : - Did + Subject + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या उसने किताब पढ़ी ?
Did he read a book?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Did + Subject + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. तुम्हारा भाई कल कहाँ गया ?
Where did your brother go yesterday?
Past Continuous Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Was/Were + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. मैं अपनी किताब पढ़ रहा था ।
I was reading my book.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Was/Were + Not + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. मैं मुम्बई नहीं जा रहा था ।
I was not going to Mumbai.
Introgative Rules : - Was/Were + Subject + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या हम बाज़ार जा रहे थे ?
Were we going to the market?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Was/Were + Subject + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. किसान अपना खेत क्यों नहीं जॊत रहा था ?
Why was the farmer not plowing his field?
Past Perfect Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Had + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. वर्षा होने से पहले हम घर पहुँच चुके थे ।
We had reached home before it rained.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Had + Not + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. मैंने यह घर पहले नहीं देखा था ।
I had not seen this house before.
Introgative Rules : - Had + Subject + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या मेरे स्कूल पहुँचने से पहले घंटा बज चुका था?
Had the bell rung before I reached the school?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Had + Subject + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. हमारे आने से पहले वह लड़की कौन-सा गाना गा चुकी थी ?
Which song had that girl sung before we came?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Had Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence ....
1. सीमा सुबह से अपनी गुड़ियों से खेल रही थी ।
Seema had been playing with her dolls since morning.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Had + Not + Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence ....
1. वह दो दिन से पढ़ नहीं रही थी ।
She had not been reading for two days.
Introgative Rules : - Had + Subject + Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या वह तीन घंटे से अपना काम कर रहा था ?
Had he been doing his work for three hours?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Had + Subject + Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. कुत्ते एक घंटे से क्यों दौड़ रहे थ े?
Why had the dogs been running for an hour?
Rules of Future Tenses
Future Indefinite Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Will + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. मैं एक पत्र लिखूँगा ।
I shall write a letter.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Will + Not + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. मैं कल अलीगढ नहीं जाऊगा ।
I shall not go to Aligarh tomorrow.
Introgative Rules : - Will + Subject + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या वह तुमको कुछ कलमें देगा ?
Will he give you some pens?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Will + Subject + First form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. हम कल कहाँ जायेंगे ?
Where shall we go tomorrow?
Future Continuous Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Will be + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. मैं अपनी किताब पढ़ रहा हूँगा ।
I shall be reading my book.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Will + Not + be + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. मैं दिल्ली नहीं जा रहा होगा ।
I shall not be going to Delhi.
Introgative Rules : - Will + Subject + be + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या वह बाज़ार जा रहा होगा ?
Will he be going to the market?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Will + Subject + be + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. तुम्हारे पिताजी कल कहाँ जा रहे होंगे ?
Where will your father be going tomorrow?
Future Perfect Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Will Have + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. तुम्हारे आने से पहले वह अपना पाठ याद कर चुकेगा ।
He will have learnt his lesson before you come.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Will + Not + Have + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence ....
1. हरी के आने से पहले वह पत्र नहीं लिख चुकी होगी ।
She will not have written the letter before Hari comes.
Introgative Rules : - Will + Subject + Have + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या सात बजने से पहले लड़के मैच खेल चुके होंगे ?
Will the boys have played the match before it is seven?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Will + Subject + Have + Third form of the Verb + Object + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. वर्षा होने से पहले वह कहाँ जा चुका होगा ?
Where will he have gone before it rains?
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Simple Rules : - Subject + Will Have Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence ....
1. वे दो घंटे तक खेलते रहेंगे ।
They will have been playing for two hours.
Negative Rules : - Subject + Will + Not + Have Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence ....
1. वह दो दिन से पढ़ नहीं रही होगी ।
She will not have been reading for two days.
Introgative Rules : - Will + Subject + Have Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. क्या हम उसका इन्तजार सुबह से करते रहेंगे ?
Shall we have been waiting for him since morning?
WH Family Rules : - WH Family Word + Will + Subject + Have Been + First form of the Verb + ing + Object + Since/For + Time + Remaining Sentence .... + ?
1. लड़के दो बजे से कहाँ खेलते रहेंगे ?
Where will the boys have been playing since 2 o'clock?