[Solution]*SBI Associate Clerk Preliminary Exam Previous Years Questions Papers With Solution 2008 PDF free Download


Sbi Junior Associate Previous Years Questions Papers With Solution 2008 

हेलो दोस्तों,इस लेख में हम SBI CLERK अथवा जूनियर असोसिएट एग्जाम के Previous Years Questions Papers With Solution के बारे में जानेगें। किसी एग्जाम को क्रैक करने के लिए उसके बारे में सभी जानकारी होना बहुत जरूरी होता है ,जिससे हम उस एग्जाम की तैयारी सही दिशा में करते है। एग्जाम को जानने  के लिए हमें उस एग्जाम के पैटर्न एवं विषय वस्तु ke Sath-Sath previous Years Questions Papers  का ज्ञान होना  बहुत जरूरी होता है। जिससे हम तैयारी को एक नया आयाम दे सकते है। इस लेख में इस एग्जाम से सम्बंधित फ्री स्टडी मटेरियल जैसे - पिछले वर्षो के प्रश्न पत्र आपको इस लेख में मिल जाएगी। इस लेख को अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर करे और साथ ही , हमारे वेबसाइट THE ULTIMATE LEARNER पर रोज पधारे !

नोट:- SBI CLERK अथवा Sbi Junior Associate Exam के बारे में पूरी जानकारी के लिए - क्लिक करे। 

Preliminary Examination Questions Paper 2008 With Solution(प्रारम्भिक परीक्षा)

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2021: Prelims

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam is a Screening exam. It is to weed out not serious candidates from the competition. There is sectional timing for each section i.e., English, Reasoning, and Mathematics. Candidates need to clear the sectional cutoff as well as the overall cutoff to qualify for the SBI Clerk Prelims. Candidates can check the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern in the table below.

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2021 Prelims: Phase I

Preliminary Examination (online) consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 1 hour duration consisting of 3 Sections as follows:

Serial No.SectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

Note- 1.Candidates have to qualify in each of the three sections by securing minimum cut-off marks to be decided by SBI. The adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by SBI depending upon requirements will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.

2.Penalty for Wrong Answers (Applicable to both – Online Preliminary and Online Main examinations). There will be a penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty to arrive at a corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question

3.The questions in objective tests, except for the test of General English, will be bilingual i.e., English & Hindi.

[Solution]*SBI Associate Clerk Preliminary Exam Previous Years Questions Papers With Solution 2008 PDF free Download

English(30 Que./30 Marks/20Minutes)

Instructions:-Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the question.

A large majority of the poor in India are outside the formal banking system. The policy of financial inclusion sets out to remedy this by making available a basic banking ‘no frills’ account either with nil or very minimum balances as well as charges that would make such accounts accessible to vast sections of the population. However the mere opening of a bank account in the name of every household or adult person may not be enough, unless these accounts and financial services offered to them are used by the account holders. At present, commercial banks do not find it viable to provide services to the poor especially in the rural areas because of huge transaction costs, low volumes of savings in the accounts, lack of information on the account holder, etc. For the poor, interacting with the banks with their paper work, economic cost of going to the bank and the need for flexibility in their accounts, make them turn to other informal channels or other institutions. Thus, there are constraints on both the supply and the demand side.

Till now, banks were looking at these accounts from a purely credit perspective. Instead, they should look at this from the point of view of meeting the huge need of the poor for saving. Poor households want to save and contrary to the common perception do have funds to save, but lack control.Informal mutual saving system like the Rotating Saving and Credit Associations (ROSCAs) widespread in Africa, and ‘thrift and credit group’s in india demonstrate that poor households save. For the poor household which lack access to the formal insurance system and the credit system, saving provide a safety net and help them tide over crises. Saving can also keep them away from the clutches of moneylenders, make formal institutions more favourable to lending to them, encourage investment and make them shift to more productive activities as they may invest in slightly more risky activities which have an overall higher rate of return.

Research shows the efficacy of informal institutions in increasing the savings of the small account holders. An MFI in the Philippines, which had existing account holders, was studied. They offered new products with ‘commitment features’ One type had withdrawal restrictions in the sense that it required individuals to restrict their right to withdraw any funds from their own accounts until they reached a self-specified and documented goal. The other type was deposit options. Clients could purchase a locked box for a small fee. The key was with the bank and the client has to bring the box to the bank to make the deposit. He could not dip into the savings even if he wanted to.These accounts did not pay extra money and were illiquid. Surprisingly these products were popular even though these had restrictions.Results showed that those who opted for these accounts with restrictions had substantially greater saving rates than those who did not. The policy of financial inclusion can be a success if financial inclusion focuses on both saving needs and credit needs having a diversified product portfolio for the poor but recognising that self control problems needed to be addressed by having commitment devices. The product with commitment features should be optional. Furthermore transaction costs for the poor could be cut down, by making innovative use of technology available and offering mobile vans with ATM and deposit collection features which could visit villages periodically.

Question 1.

What is the aim of the financial inclusion policy ?

A. A focus on saving needs rather than credit needs of the poor

B. Minimising utilisation of technology in banks so as to reduce transaction costs for the poor

C. To boost low saving among the rural poor

D. To make formal basic banking service available to the poor

E. To regulate the rate at which moneylenders lend to the poor

Answer: D

Explanation:It is clearly mentioned at the start of paragraph that the financial inclusion aims to make formal banking system available to the poor.

Hence, the correct option is option D.

Question 2.

The authors main objective in writing the passage is to………..

A. criticise the concept of financial inclusion

B. point out the problems of financial inclusion

C. discuss ways of making the financial inclusion policy successful

D. compare financial inclusion policies of different countries

E. cite research in support of role of MFIs in achieving financial inclusion

Answer: C


Initially, it may seem that author is just comparing financial inclusion policies of different countries. However, on little introspection it is

revealed that, author is just making us aware of different financial inclusion policies to suggest ways to make our financial inclusion


Question 3.

Which of the following can be inferred about products with commitment features ?

(A) Demand for such products

(B) They were an effective means of increasing the savings of small account holders

(C) Such facilities can only be offered by informal institutions like MFIs.

A. (B) and (C)

B. Only (B)

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. All (A), (B) and (C)

E. None of these

Answer: D


All the inferences are made from the third paragraph.

This paragraph talks about the demand for such products, their role in increasing the savings of people and the fact that they can only

be given by informal institutions.

Hence, all three infermnces are corrrect.

Option D is correct.

Question 4.

Why do the poor not utilise banking services ?

(A) Informal institutions offer higher rates of interest than those in banks

(B) Costs of reaching banks have to be borne by the poor

(C) Bank personnel do not treat the poor respectfully because their savings amounts are minimal.

A. Only (B)

B. Both (A) and (B)

C. Both (B) and (C)

D. All (A), (B) and (C)

E. None of these

Answer: A


Many a times, the banks are located in cities or distant town. The expenses to reach them have to be born by poor and hence they

refrain from utilising the banking services.

Therefore, the correct option is option A.

Question 5.

Which of the following is a recommendation made by the author regarding financial inclusion ?

A. Reduce the paper work involved by seeking less information about the account holder

B. Lower transaction costs by utilising latest technology

C. Make commitment features compulsory for all saving accounts

D. Entrust the responsibility of financial inclusion solely to MFI,s

E. Provide credit facilities even to those without savings accounts

Answer: B


In the last paragraph, author recommends the use of latest technology for making the services more affordable. This in turn will help

poor people to avail them more readily.

Hence, the correct option is option B.

Question 6.

Which of the following factors affects ‘saving’ behaviour among the poor ?

(A) Threats from moneylenders if they avail of banking services.

(B) Documentation required before availing of banking services.

(C) Lack of self-control.

A. Only (A)

B. All (A), (B) and (C)

C. Only (C)

D. Both (B) and (C)

E. None of these

Answer: D


The author outlines that poor do not have necessary documentation and also that self control is a big issue.

Both these factors contribute in affedcting the 'saving' habit negatively among the poor.

Therefore, the correct option is option D.

Question 7.

What do the result of the study conducted in the Philippines indicate ?

A. Account holders in MFIs have higher saving rates than banks

B. Many of the poor have to turn to moneylenders because of strict restrictions in MFIs.

C. Having accounts with restriction on withdrawal requires the bank to offer a higher rate interest

D. There should be strong measures for deposit option accounts for the poor

E. None of these

Answer: A


Only the option A statement states the results of the study. All other option statements are out of contextual inference in one way or


Hence, option A is the correct option.

Question 8.

Which of the following is True in the context of the passage ?

A. There are no informal means for the poor to save in India

B. Having saving encourages the poor to invest only in low risk ventures

C. There is a huge demand for saving facilities among the poor households

D. Presently commercial banks feel that it is feasible to provide banking services to the poor in rural areas

E. There are many official innovative savings systems like ROSCAs in Africa

Answer: C


In second paragraph of text, author clearly mentions that there is demand of savings system among the poor households.

All other statement either lack factual correctness or draw incorrect inferences.

Hence, the correct option is option C.

Question 9.

What is/are the outcome(s) of encouraging savings for the poor ?

(A) It frees them from the exploitation of moneylenders

(B) Banks are more willing to disburse loans to those who save

(C) They should invest in risky but high return ventures

A. Only (A)

B. Both (A) and (B)

C. Only (C)

D. All (A), (B) and (C)

E. None of these

Answer: B


The text clearly points out that exploitation by moneylender can be avoided if savings habit is encouraged among the poor. Even banks

are more willing to give loans if households have savings in some for or other.

Hence, statement 1 and 2 are correct.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Question 10.

What was the view of banks regarding the bank accounts of the poor in the past ?

A. They were considered a problem since account holders information needed to be updated

B. Banks were looking at these accounts from a credit perspective

C. Moneylenders should be regulated so that they share responsibility of disbursing loans to the poor

D. Products with commitment features will not be successful

E. None of these

Answer: B


In the second paragraph, it is clearly mentioned that the banks were viewing the poor household from only the credit perspective.

Hence, the correct option is option B.

Question 11.

Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in the meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.


A. morally

B. honestly

C. completely

D. perfectly

E. cleanly

Answer: C


The banks were viewing the poor household completely from a credit perspective.

Within the context of passage purely does mean completely.

Hence, the correct option is option C.

Question 12.

Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in the meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.


A. protest

B. occur

C. estimate

D. appear

E. prove

Answer: E


In the context of given passage, demonstrate means to show.

The closest word in the options that matches with this meaning is "prove". The correct option is option E.

Question 13.

Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in the meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage:


A. medicine

B. solve

C. restore

D. therapy

E. heal

Answer: B


In the text, 'remedy' has been used in context of 'solving' the problem.

Hence, the correct option is B.

Question 14.

Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in the meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.


A. voluntary

B. compromise

C. pressure

D. mandatory

E. free

Answer: D


Optional means voluntary in the passage.

It's opposite is mandatory.

The correct option is option D.

Question 15.

Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in the meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.


A. convenient

B. unavailable

C. unfavourable

D. unpleasant

E. formal

Answer: B


Accesible means available.

And the opposite of available is unavaillable.

Instructions:-Read each of the following sentences to find out whether there is any error in it.The error,if any, will be in one part of sentence.The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error (E) (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)

Question 16.

The scheme failed because (A)/ some states could not,(B)/ manage not to raise(C)/ the necessary funds(D)/No error(E).

A. (A)

B. (B)

C. (C)

D. (D)

E. (E)

Answer: C


In part C, there is no need of 'not'.

The statement should read as;

The scheme failed because some states could not manage to raise the necessary funds.

Question 17.

Real estate prices in the(A)/ business district of the city(B)/ are expected to rise(C)/ at 15% this year(D)/ No error (E).

A. (A)

B. (B)

C. (C)

D. (D)

E. (E)

Answer: E


The statement is correct and does not have any errors.

Question 18.

By so early as next year(A)/ that leading investment bank(B)/ has plans to open(C)/ an office in New Delhi(D)/ No error(E)

A. (A)

B. (B)

C. (C)

D. (D)

E. (E)

Answer: A


There is error in part A of the statement.

The correct statement would read as:

By as early as next year that leading investment bank has plans to open an office in New Delhi.

Hence, the correct option is option A.

Question 19.

There is lots of(A)/ supports from the employees(B)/ for the proposal to(C)/ merge with the parent company(D)/ No error(E).

A. (A)

B. (B)

C. (C)

D. (D)

E. (E)

Answer: B


The error is in part B.

The correct statement would read as:

There is lots of support from the employees for the proposal to merge with the parent company.

Question 20.

Experts have recommended that(A)/ the government reconsidered(B)/ restrictions imposed on foreign (C)/ investment in real

estate(D)/ No error(E).

A. (A)

B. (B)

C. (C)

D. (D)

E. (E)

Answer: B


The error is in part B.

The sentence is in present perfect tense while past form of the verb has been wrongly used.

Hence, the correct option is B.

Instructions:-Which of the phrases at (a), (b),(c)and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the  sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark(e) as the answer.

Question 21.

The bank is overstaffed, has led to low productivity.

A. led to

B. Will lead towards

C. and has led in

D. which has led to

E. No correction is required

Answer: D


From the context, we can infer that the phrase indicates causality between overstaffing and low productivity. Hence, the correct phrasal

verb to use in this case is 'led to'. As the event has already occurred, the correct tense to use would be the past tense. The phrase is

part of the subordinate clause and hence should begin with "which". Hence, option D.

Question 22.

You delay in taking a decision conveys a negative impression

A. you delay to take

B. If you delay taking

C. Your delay in taking

D. To delay by taking

E. No correction is required

Answer: C

Explanation:The verb "conveys" is modifying "delay". Hence, "delay" is the subject.

Therefore, "your", which is an object form of "you", must be present here.

Hence, option C is the answer.

Question 23.

Today management student it self are opted to work for NGOs even though salaries offered to them are low

A. student itself is

B. student themselves are

C. students have

D. student himself has

E. No correction is required

Answer: C


"Them" is used => Plural.

Hence, the subject must be plural.

Only option C satisfies this condition.

Hence, option C is the answer.

Question 24.

Absence off any guidelines they are unwilling to take up the project

A. Absent of

B. In the absence of

C. Because of the absence

D. Without being absent

E. No correction is required

Answer: B


The gramatically correct sentence would read as:

In the absence of any guidelines they are unwilling to take up the project

Question 25.

Without the development of rural people country can no claim to be developed.

A. Can never claim

B. being claimed

C. not able to claim

D. have not any claim

E. No correction is required

Answer: A


Gramatically correct statement would read as:

Without the development of rural people, country can never claim to be developed.

Hence, the correct option is A.

Instructions:-In each of the following sentence there are two blank spaces. Below each five pairs of words have been denoted as (a),(b),(c),(d) and (e). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Question 26.

Mr.Srinivasan is _________to become Chairman of the group________the retirement of his father

A. set, following

B. voted, subsequent

C. selected, despite

D. approved, because

E. decided, after

Answer: A


Here, option E as well as option option A can be chosen.

However, option A words are more eloquent.

The sentence would now read as:

Mr.Srinivasan is set to become Chairman of the group following the retirement of his father

Hence, the correct answer is A.

Question 27.

________to your error the ______consignment has been delayed by a week.

A. According, important

B. Duly, urgent

C. Owing, entire

D. Added, crucial

E. Admitting, special

Answer: C


Only the pair of words corresponding to the option C matches the context of the sentence.

The statement would read as: Owing to your error the entire consignment has been delayed by a week.

Hence, the correct option is option C.

Question 28.

On account of the _____in sales the software firm has achieved an eight per cent _________in net profit.

A. surge, fall

B. increase,rise

C. decline, slope

D. hike, loss

E. growth, advance

Answer: B


Only pair of words corresponding to option B fits the context.

Hence, the corrected statement would read as:

On account of the increase in sales the software firm has achieved an eight per cent rise in net profit.

Question 29.

We are proud to say that today____26 per cent of our total accounts are______by women and senior citizens.

A. approximate, held

B. nearly, authorised

C. over, maintain

D. above, open

E. around, operated

Answer: E


The pair of words corresponding to option E suit the context better than other pair of words.

Hence, the statement would read as:

We are proud to say that today around 26 per cent of our total accounts are operated by women and senior citizens.

Question 30.

The company has ____ special training to employees on ____ to trade online.

A. announced, benefits

B. offered, course

C. imparted, risks

D. sanction, skills

E. provided, how

Answer: E


The pair of words corresponding to option E suit the context better.

The sentence which is read as:

The company has provided special training to employees on how to trade online.

Hence, the correct option is E.

Mathematics(35 Que./35 Marks/20Minutes)

Instructions:-What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions ?

Question 31.

? % of 5600¬28% of 3500=1988

A 58

B 55

C 51

D 53

E None of these

Answer: D


Reframing the question to simplify,

1988+28% of 3500 = 1988+(28*35)

Which reduces to,





Question 32.

6389-1212-2828= ?

A 2349

B 2493

C 2934

D 2393

E None of these

Answer: A


Now, 1212 + 2828 = 4040

Therefore, 6389-4040 = 2349

Question 33.

526 × 12 + 188 = 50×?

A 120

B 160

C 140

D 110

E None of these

Answer: E


526 × 12 = 6312

6312 + 188 = 6500

Let the number in the question mark be X.

So, X × 50 = 6500

X = 130

Question 34.

4,19,49,94,154, ?

A 223

B 225

C 229

D 239

E None of these 4

Answer: C


In the given series, the nth tern is (previous term+(n-1)*15).

We are supposed to find 6th term.

Hence, 6th term in series = 154+75= 229

Question 35.

Mr.Nair's monthly salary is rs 22,500. He took a loan of rs 30,000 on simple interest for 3 years at the rate of 5 p.c.p.a. The amount that he will be paying as simple interest in 3 years is what percent of his monthly salary ?

A 10

B 18

C 20

D 25

E None of these

Answer: C


Interest = (Principal * interest * No. of years )

Interest = (30,000*3*5)/100

Interest = 4,500

x% of 22,500 = 4,500

x = (4500/22,500)*100

x = 20

Question 36.

(7921 ÷ 178) − 5.5 = √?

A 1512

B 1521

C 1251

D 1531

E None of these

Answer: B


Let unknown be x,

(7921 ÷ 178) − 5.5 = √x

Hence, x=[(7921/178)-5.5]^2=39^2=1521

Question 37.


A 17255

B 17551

C 17515

D 17155

E None of these

Answer: D


The question is written as 25639 - (5252+3232) = 25639 - 8484 = 17155

Question 38.

283 × 56 + 252 = 20×?

A 805

B 803

C 807

D 809

E None of these

Answer: A


Now, let unknown be x.





Question 39.

16% of 250+115% of 480=?

A 522

B 588

C 582

D 498

E None of these

Answer: E


We need to find the value of 16% of 250+115% of 480

Let us find the value of the individual elements first

16% of 250 = 0.16 x 250 = 40

115% of 480 = 1.15 x 480 = 11.5 x 48 = 552

Hence, the sum equals 40 + 552 = 592

As this is not one of the options given, the correct answer is option (e)

Question 40.

16.45 × 2.8 + 4.5 × 1.6 =?

A 56.23

B 56.32

C 53.26

D 53.66

E None of these

Answer: C


In order to find the value of 16.45 × 2.8 + 4.5 × 1.6, let us find the value of the individual elements first

16.45 × 2.8 = 46.06

4.5 × 1.6 = 7.2

46.06 + 7.2 = 53.26

Hence, the sum equals which is option (c)

Question 41.

(8.2% of 365)-(1.75% of 108)= ?

A 16.02

B 28.04

C 42.34

D 53.76

E None of these

Answer: B


8.2% * 365 = 29.93

1.75% * 108 = 1.89

So, 8.2%*365 - 1.75%*108 = 29.93 - 1.89 =28.04

 Question 42.

[(135)2 ÷ 15 × 32)]÷? = 45 × 24

A. 18

B. 24

C. 36

D. 44

E. None of these

Answer: C


The number in the place of the question mark equals

=36 Ans.

Question 43.

A 33856

B 30276

C 174

D 184

E None of these

Answer: D


Let the number in the question mark be X.

Question 44.


A 1066

B 1174

C 1247

D 1387

E None of these

Answer: C


Let the number in the question mark be X.

So, X = 4368+2158-596-3421-1262 = 1247

Question 45.

2172÷? = 1832 − 956 − 514

A 6

B 8

C 10

D 12

E None of these

Answer: A


Let them number in the question mark be X.

So, 2172÷ = 1832 − 956 − 514 = 362

So, 2172÷ 362

Or,  X = 2172 ÷ 362 = 6

Question 46.


A 819.56

B 808.38

C 826.44

D 798.62

E None of these

Answer: E


The number in the question mark equals 666.06 + 66.60 + 0.66 + 6.06 + 6 + 60 = 805.38

Question 47.


A 6.706

B 6.760

C 6.670

D 6.607

E None of these

Answer: E


The number in the question mark equals 15.594 - 4.312 - 3.517 - 1.689 = 6.076

As it doesn't equal any of the four options, the correct answer is 'None of These'

Question 48.

205×? × 13 = 33625 + 25005

A 22

B 27

C 33

D 39

E None of these

Answer: A


Let the number which should be used in place of the question mark equals X.

Hence, 205x ×13 = 33625 + 25005 = 58630

So, 205x = 4510

So, x = 22

Question 49.

69 ÷ 3 × 0.85 + 14.5 − 3 =?

A 36.45

B 23.85

C 42.95

D 18.65

E None of these

Answer: E


69 ÷ 3 = 23

23 × 0.85 = 19.55

So, 19.55 + 14.5 − 3 = 31.05

As this is not given in the list of options provided, the correct answer is 'None of these'

Question 50.

A 3

B 10

C 100

D 1000

E None of these

Answer: D


By rule of indices,

Instructions:-What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following numbers series.

Question 51.

12, 6.5, 7.5, 12.75, 27.5, 71.25, ?

A 225.5

B 216.75

C 275

D 236.75

E 249.75

Answer: B


The given series is based on the following sequence,

(12+1)*0.5 = 6.5

(6.5+1)*1 = 7.5


(12.75+1)*2 = 27.5

(27.5+1)*2.5 = 71.25

(71.25+1)*3 = 216.75

Question 52.

16, 24, 36, 54, 81, 121.5 ?

A 182.25

B 174.85

C 190.65

D 166.55

E 158.95

Answer: A


Each number in the series is 1.5 times the preceding number.

Hence, 16*1.5 = 24

24*1.5 = 36

36*1.5 = 54


81*1.5 = 121.5

So, the next number is 121.5*1.5 = 182.25

Question 53.

12, 12, 18, 45, 180, 1170, ?

A 13485

B 14675

C 15890

D 16756

E 12285

Answer: E


The ratio between preceding terms of the sequence are in a fibonacci sequence.

For example, 12/12 = 1

18/12 = 1.5

45/18 = 2.5 (which is 1+1.5)

180/45 = 4 (which is 1.5+2.5)

1170/180 = 6.5 (which is 2.5+4)

Hence, the next ratio would be 4+6.5=10.5

And the required number is 1170*10.5 = 12285

Question 54.

22, 23, 27, 36, 52, 77, ?

A 111

B 109

C 113

D 117

E 115

Answer: C


The difference between consecutive terms of the series is a perfect square.

For example,

23-22 = 1

27-23 = 4

36-27 = 9

52-36 = 16

77-52 = 25

Hence, the next difference between the numbers will be 36 and the required number is 77+36 = 113

Question 55.

16, 14, 24, 66, 256, 1270, ?

A 8564

B 5672

C 4561

D 7608

E 6340

Answer: D


The given terms are in the following series,

14 = 16*1 - 2*1

24 = 14*2 - 2*2

66 = 24*3 - 2*3

256 = 66*4 - 2*4

1270 = 66*5 - 2*5

Hence, the next term equals 1270*6 - 2*6 = 7608

Instructions:-Study the following table carefully to answer the question that follows:


Question 56.

What is the total number of boys, for all the streams together, in the year 2004?

A 4148

B 3630

C 4433

D 3247

E None of these

Answer: B


The total number of boys in the year 2004 is 672+540+859+778+781 = 3630


Question 57.

The number of boys in Art stream in the year 2004 is approximately what per cent of the total number of boys for all the years

together in Art stream ?

A 27

B 34

C 08

D 39

E 16

Answer: E


The number of boys in the Arts stream in 2004 is 672

The total number of boys in the Arts stream in all the years equals 556+763+672+809+745+698 = 4243

Hence, the required percentage is 672/4243*100 = 15.84% ~ 16%


Question 58.

What is the ratio of the total number of boys to the total numbers of girls from all the stream together for the year 2007 ?

A 2:3

B 14:13

C 52:49

D 213: 170

E None of these

Answer: D


The total number of boys in 2007 equals 698 + 765 + 571 + 1288 + 1151 = 4473

The total number of girls in 2007 equals 413 + 616 + 515 + 1016 + 1010 = 3570

Hence the ratio equals 4473:3570 = 213*21 : 170*21 = 213:170


Question 59.
What is the ratio of the total number of boys to the total number of girls, in the Management stream for all the years together ?
A 9:8
B 71:86
C 91:83
D 27:23
E None of these

Answer: C

The total number of boys in the Management stream in all the years equals 770+667+778+849+562+1288 = 4914
The total number of girls in the Management stream in all the years equals 633+439+727+729+938+1016 = 4482
Hence the required ratio is 4914:4482 = 91*54 : 83*54 = 91:84


Question 60.
What is the average number of Girls from Commerce stream for the given years?
A 681
B 675
C 618
D 657
E None of these

Answer: A

The total number of girls in the commerce stream in the years given are 612+616+713+811+819+515 = 4086
The number of years is equal to 6.
Hence, the required average is 4086/6 = 681

Question 61.
The simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs 19,800 at the end of three years is Rs 7,128. What would be the compound interest
accrued on the same amount at the same rate in the same period ?
A Rs. 8934.6784
B Rs. 8017.5744
C Rs. 7861.8754
D Cannot be determined
E None of these

Answer: B

Let the rate of interest on the principal be R.
So, 19800*R*3/100 = 7128
So, R = 12%
Hence, the compound interest on the same amount for the same time period equals
19800*1.12^3 - 19800 = 27817.57 - 19800 = Rs. 8017.57

Question 62.
If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 400% and the denominator is increased by 500% the resultant fraction is . What was
the original fraction ?

E. None of these

Answer: D


Let the original fraction be x/y

After 400% increase, the numerator becomes and after 500% increase, the denominator becomes 6y

Hence, the resulting fraction becomes 

Question 63.

What is 26% of 55% of 10/13th  of 6100 ?

A 617
B 681
C 706
D 734
E None of these

Answer: E


Question 64.
The ages of Aarzoo and Arnav are in the ratio of 11:13 respectively.After 7 years the ratio of their ages will be 20:23. What is the
difference in years between their ages ?

A. 4 years
B. 7 years
C. 6 years
D. 5 years
E None of these

Answer: C
Let the ages of Aarzoo and Arnav be X and Y respectively.
Solving both the equations, we get X=33 and Y=39
So, the difference in ages equals 6

Question 65.

One-eighth of a number is 17.25. What will 73% of the number be ?
A 100.74
B 138.00
C 96.42
D 82.66
E None of these

Answer: A

The number equals 8 times 17.25 = 138
Hence, 73% of the number equals 0.73*138 = 100.74

Reasoning(35 Que./35 Marks/20Minutes)

 Instructions:-For the following questions answer them individually

Question 66.

Among M, T, R and P, M is older than only P.T is older than R. Who among them is the oldest ?



C T or R

D Data inadequate

E None of these

Answer: A


With qiven information, we can establish the relation that,

M>P and T>R.

and also given "M is older than only P" ==> Both T, R are older than M.

==> The oldest among them is T.

So the correct option to choose is A - T.

Question 67.

Four of the following five are like in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?

A Hill

B Valley

C Dam

D River

E Mountain

Answer: C


Apart from Dam, all others are natural topographic features. Dam is the only man made structure.

Hence, the correct option is C.

Question 68.

How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters of the words EROS only once in each word ?

A None

B One

C Two

D Three

E More than three

Answer: E


The words that can be formed are:


4 words can be formed.

Therefore, more than 3 i.e option E is correct option.

Question 69.

If ‘P’ denotes ‘+’, ‘R’ denotes ‘ ÷’, ‘T’ denotes ‘-’ and ‘W’ denotes ‘x’, then 40 R 8 W 10 T 12 P 16 = ?

A 50

B 46

C 30

D 70

E None of these

Answer: E


40 R 8 W 10 T 12 P 16 means 40÷ 8x10-12+16.

Now, going by BODMAS rule, we first divide and then multiply.

40/8=5, 5*10=50, 50-12=38, 38+16=54

Here, none of the options is 54.

Therefore, the correct answer is option E.

Question 70.

What should come next in the following numbers sequence ?

2 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4

A 8

B 5



D 2

E None of these

Answer: B


In the given number sequence, the 2 is repeated and at nth place staring from 2 to (n+1) number is repeated.

This can also be visualised by viewing the series as:


2 3

2 3 4

2 3 4 5

2 3 4 5 6

2 3 4 5 6 7

Hence, the next number in series, going by this logic would be 5.

The correct option is B

Question 71.

How many such pairs of letters are there in the word CONSTABLE each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ?

A None

B One

C Two

D Three

E More than three

Answer: D


In the word CONSTABLE, the pair of words,

1. O&N,

2. S&T and


are immediate to each other as in alphabetical series.

Hence, there are three such pairs and correct option is D.

Question 72.

In a certain code BOARD is written as 54#12 and MORE is written as 941$. How is DREAM written in that code ?

A 21$#9

B 2$1#9

C 51$#9

D 25$#9

E None of these

Answer: A


By analysing the coding of the words, we get the key as:

A=# and
Hence the word DREAM will be coded as 21$#9.

Question 73.

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?

A 50
B 65
C 170
D 255
E 290

Answer: D

Here, each number is perfect square + 1.
For eg:
50= 7 square + 1
65=8 square + 1
170= 13 square + 1
290=17 square + 1
This is true for all except 255.
Hence, the correct option is D.

Question 74.

How many such digits are there in the number 5231698 each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number as when the
digits are rearranged in ascending order ?

A None
B One
C Two
D Three
E More than three

Answer: D

After reaaranging the digits we get, 1235689
Now, the pairs of digit 1&5, 2&3 and 8&9 have same distance from one another as that in the arrangement 5231698.
There are evidently three such pairs.
Hence, the correct option is D.

Question 75.

In a certain code CREAM is written as NBDBQ. How is BREAD written in that code ?

E None of these

Answer: B

Here, the code is obtained by first switching the first two and last two letters. After the interchange first two letters are changed to next
letter in alphabetical series. The next three letters are changed to previous letters in alphabetical series i
Thus BREAD after interchanging becomes DAEBR. Now, performing the change operation we get, EBDAQ.
Thus, option B is correct.

Instructions:-In each of the following question below are given three statements followed by three conclusion numbered I, II, III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide
which of the given conclusion logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

Question 76.

Some flowers are bins.
Some bins are handles
All handles are sticks

I: Some sticks are bins.
II: Some handles are flowers.
III: Some sticks are flowers.

A Only II follows
B Only III follows
C Only I and II follows
D Only I and III follows
E None of these

Answer: E

The syllogism can be better explained with the help of a Venn diagram.
Some sticks are bins. This conclusion is true
Some handles are flowers. This conclusion, apparent from Venn diagram, does not follow.
Some sticks are flowers. The sets of sticks and flowers are disjoint as apparent from Venn diagram. Hence, this conclusion does not

Question 77.

Some towers are windows.
All windows are houses.
Some houses are temples.

I: Some towers are temples.
II: some houses are towers.
III: Some temples are windows.

A Only I follows
B Only II follows
C Only III follows
D Only I and II follows
E None of these

Answer: B

The syllogism can be explained with following Venn Diagram.
Some towers are temples. This conclusion cannot be made.
Some houses are towers. This conclusion is true.
Some temples are windows. This conclusion again cannot be made with surety.
Only II follows.

Question 78.

Some walls are doors.
Some doors are cots.
Some cots are chairs.

I: Some chairs are doors.
II: Some cots are walls.
III: No chair is door

A Only II follows
B Only III follows
C Only either I or III follows
D Only I follows
E None of these

Answer: C

The syllogisms can be intrepreted as:
Some chairs are doors. We cannot make this conclusion.Some cots are walls. We also cannot makes this conclusion as both them are disjoint sets.No chair is door. This conclusion is true and follows.

Question 79.

All trees are garden.
All gardens are stones.
All stones are fences.

I: Some fences are gardens.
II: All gardens are fences.
III: Some stones are trees.

A Only I and II follows
B Only I and III follows
C Only II and III follows
D All follows
E None of these

Answer: D

The given information can be intrepreted in Venn diagram form as:
Here, if we assume - trees, gardens, stones and fences as sets then
Tree is subset of gardens. Gardens is subset of stones. Stones is subset of fences.
Therefore, all the conclusions are true.
Option D is correct answer.

Question 80.

All books are leaves.
Some leaves are jungles
No jungles is box

I: Some jungles are books.
II: No book is box.
III: Some leaves are boxes

A None follows
B Only I follows
C Only II follows
D Only III follows
E Only I and II follows

Answer: A

The syllogism can be intrepreted in Venn Diagram form as:
Some jungles are books. This can't be said with surety.
No book is box. This also cannot be concluded with any assurance.
Some leaves are boxes. The defibnite position of box set with respect to other sets is not known.
Hence, none of the conclusion follow.

Instructions:-Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:

7 R E T 4 A 9% D F I U # B @ 8 HI © W M*3 2 V $ 5 N P 6 Q

Question 81.
How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and
immediately followed by a number ?
A None
B One
C Two
D Three
E More than three

Answer: B
In the given series, NP6 is only such pattern.'
Here, P is preceeded by consonant N and followed by number 6.
Hence, the correct option is B.

7 R E T 4 A 9% D F I U # B @ 8 HI © W M*3 2 V $ 5 N P 6 Q

Question 82.
How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a symbol ?

A None
B One
C Two
D Three
E More than three

Answer: B
Only 9 is immediately followed by %. Only one such pattern exists for the entire series.
Hence, option B signifying 1 pattern is correct.

7 R E T 4 A 9% D F I U # B @ 8 HI © W M*3 2 V $ 5 N P 6 Q

Question 83.
How many vowels are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a symbol ?

A None
B One
C Two
D Three
E More than three

Answer: C

Only two such pattern of vowel followed by symbol exists
U# and I© are the only two such pattern followers.
Hence, the correct option is c.

7 R E T 4 A 9% D F I U # B @ 8 HI © W M*3 2 V $ 5 N P 6 Q

Question 84.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group.Which is
the one that does not belong to the group ?

C #@H
D 3V5

Answer: B

In each group of words, the group is formed by taking alternate words in the series.
Only in 9DF, this pattern has not been followed.
Hence, the correct option is B.

7 R E T 4 A 9% D F I U # B @ 8 HI © W M*3 2 V $ 5 N P 6 Q

Question 85.
Which of the following is the fourth to the left of the twelfth from the left end ?

A %
B 8
C 2
E None of these

Answer: A

Twelfth from left end is U.
Fourth to left of U is %
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

Instructions:-In each of the following question below which one of the five answer figures should come after the problem figure.

Question 86.
A (1)
B (2)
C (3)
D (4)
E (5)

Answer: C

Here, there are three sets of three figures.
The relation between first and second figure in first set will be followed in the next set's second and third figure.
In first two set's first and second figure, the cross is rotating and a new figure is introduced.
Same will be true for next set.
Among all the options, only (3) and (5) are inverted and answer figure is supposed to have inverted figure.
Also, there is new symbol introduced in (3) whose shifting is pattern is followed in first two sets pattern.
Hence, option (3) is correct.

Question 87.
A (1)
B (2)
C (3)
D (4)
E (5)

Answer: A

As we can see in the given figure that first a triangle is getting deleted then next a triangle and a line is deleted then a triangle and 2 line
is deleted similarly the same pattern will be followed for the upcoming figures also. Hence, according to the pattern depicted answer
will be A

Question 88.
A (1)
B (2)
C (3)
D (4)
E (5)

Answer: D

Here if we observe the arrow, we can get a set pattern which arrow is following.
Arrow is shifting one place in anticlockwise direction along the edges of the square. Simultaneously it is also rotating in clockwise
The arrow in last figure is upwards and hence in answer figure it will shift one place up and rotate rightwards.
Therefore, the correct figure is 4 or option D.

Question 89.
A (1)
B (2)
C (3)
D (4)
E (5)

Answer: A

Here, there are two sets of three figures each.
In the first set, we observe that symbols are shifting clockwise and there is no introduction of new figures or truncation of any figure.
Hence, going by this logic, the same pattern will be followed in set 2.
Only fig(1) follows this pattern. Hence, the correct answer is option A.

Question 90.
A (1)
B (2)
C (3)
D (4)
E (5)

Answer: B

Given problem figures follow a pattern where design at the bottom of the first line will go to the top position of first line and top position
design of first line will move to the bottom of 2nd line and bottom design of the second line will move to the top design of second line.
Now the top design of second line has been replaced and bottom design of first line will be replaced. Hence, answer will be B.

Instructions:-In each of the following questions the symbols @, © ,#, $ and % are used with the following meaning as illustrated below:

‘P©Q’ means ‘P is either greater than or equal to Q’

‘P%Q’ means ‘P is either smaller than or equal to Q’

‘P@Q’ means ‘p is neither greater than nor smaller than Q’

‘P#Q’ means ‘p is smaller than Q’

‘P$Q’ means ‘p is greater than Q.

Now in each of the following question assuming the given statements to be true find which of the two conclusion I and II given below
them is /are definitely true ?

Question 91.

D$N,N#F,F © T

I. T # N
II. D $ F

A if only Conclusion I is true
B if only Conclusion II is true
C if either Conclusion I or II is true
D if neither Conclusion I nor II is true
E if both Conclusion I and II are true

Answer: D

D$N,N#F,F © T
which means D is greater than N, N is smaller than F and F is greater than or equal to T.
T # N which means T is smaller than N. This cannot be true. as T is greater than N.
D $ F which means D is greater than F. We cannot establish relationship D and F with given data.
Hence, the correct option is D.

Question 92.

J $ M, M © K, K # N

I. J $ K
II. N $ M

A if only Conclusion I is true
B if only Conclusion II is true
C if either Conclusion I or II is true
D if neither Conclusion I nor II is true
E if both Conclusion I and II are true

Answer: A

J $ M, which means J is greater than M.
M © K, whicKh means M is greater than or equal to
K # N which means K is smaller than N
Hence, naturally J is greater than K i.e J $ K.
But we cannot establish any relationship between N and M.
Therefore only I follows.

Question 93.

F # T, T @ W, W $ H

I. F # H
II. F © H

A if only Conclusion I is true
B if only Conclusion II is true
C if either Conclusion I or II is true
D if neither Conclusion I nor II is true
E if both Conclusion I and II are true

Answer: C

F # T which means F is smaller than T.
T @ W which means T is equal to W.
W $ H which means W is greater than H.
Here, F can be greater than H or F can be smaller than H. Either of the conclusion can be true.
Hence, the correct answer is option C.

Question 94.

M % T, T # R, R @ D

I. D $ T
II. R $ T

A if only Conclusion I is true
B if only Conclusion II is true
C if either Conclusion I or II is true
D if neither Conclusion I nor II is true
E if both Conclusion I and II are true

Answer: E

M % T which means M is smaller than or equal to T
T # R which means T is smaller than R
R @ D which means R is equal to D
Now, R is greater than T. And also D is greater than T as both R and D are equal.

Question 95.

K © R,R $ F, F # B

I. B $ R
II. F # K

A if only Conclusion I is true
B if only Conclusion II is true
C if either Conclusion I or II is true
D if neither Conclusion I nor II is true
E if both Conclusion I and II are true

Answer: B

K © R which means K is greater than or equal to R
R $ F which means R is greater than F
F # B which means F is smaller than B
B $ R which means B is greater than R. But we cannot establish relationship between B and R with surety.
F # K which means F is smaller than K. We know that F is K >R>F, hence F<K
Only II follow.

Instructions:-Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the center. D is second to the left of F and third to the right of H. A is second to
the right of F and on immediate neighbour of H C is second to the right of B and F is third to the right of B. G is not an immediate
neighbour of F.

Question 96.

How many of them are there between H and C ?

A Two
B Three
C Two or Three
D Data inadequate
E None of these

Answer: B

The data provided to us is:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the center. D is second to the left of F and third to the right of H. A is second to
the right of F and on immediate neighbour of H C is second to the right of B and F is third to the right of B. G is not an immediate
neighbour of F.
This can be intrepreted as:
There are 3 members between H and C.
Option B is correct.

Question 97.

Who is to the immediate left of A ?

D Data inadequate
E None of these

Answer: B

The data provided to us is:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the center. D is second to the left of F and third to the right of H. A is second to
the right of F and on immediate neighbour of H C is second to the right of B and F is third to the right of B. G is not an immediate
neighbour of F.
This can be intrepreted as:
To immediate left of A is E.

Question 98.

In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate left of the second person ?

E None of these

Answer: E

The data provided to us is:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the center. D is second to the left of F and third to the right of H. A is second to
the right of F and on immediate neighbour of H C is second to the right of B and F is third to the right of B. G is not an immediate
neighbour of F.
This can be intrepreted as:
Here, nowhere in the given pairs, is the first person sitting to the immediate left of the second person.

Question 99.

Who is fourth to the right of B ?

D Data inadequate
E None of these

Answer: A

The data provided to us is:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the center. D is second to the left of F and third to the right of H. A is second to
the right of F and on immediate neighbour of H C is second to the right of B and F is third to the right of B. G is not an immediate
neighbour of F.
This can be intrepreted as:
E is fourth to the right of B.

Question 100.

What is E’s position with respect to G ?

A Second to the right
B Third to the left
C Third to the right
D Second to the left
E None of these

Answer: B

The data provided to us is:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the center. D is second to the left of F and third to the right of H. A is second to
the right of F and on immediate neighbour of H C is second to the right of B and F is third to the right of B. G is not an immediate
neighbour of F.
This can be intrepreted as:
E is third to the left of G.

Other Important Notes:-

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